Ayo so my thing was over 250 characters so ima comment more with this instead:
The first cat is Cali.This is her first(and her forever)home.I was C's favorite of my family and she would spend nearly all of her time in my room.Around a 1yr and a half ago,we got another cat,named Ali.When A was a … Read more
Hey, I'm, here (and not hiding behind "anonymous"). I'm prepared to bet that I have suffered more insults, bad manners and rudeness than you will ever have to deal with.
"What does not kill you, makes you stronger."
You have many years of life left in front of you, enjoy them and ignore the insults.
Dear Anonymous,
This will be your third answer, and I will tell you the first two are excellent.
What I will add is this:
The people who are saying that to you...they are not talking about you, what they are doing is telling you about themselves.
Perhaps it's time to rethink who you choose to surround yourself with.