Rosie Velcro
Rosie Velcro thanked Tom Jackson's answer

Endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph, Small boned, large boned, genetics, current age, age plus a few more factors involved.

Nothing to be embarrassed about---talk to your mom and sister.

Rosie Velcro
Rosie Velcro thanked Barb Cala's answer

I'm sure your weight is fine.  Don't compare yourself to anyone else.  If you're concerned though .. Ask your doctor.  You are a teenager and still growing.  You should be concerned about being healthy and feeling good.

Rosie Velcro
Rosie Velcro thanked Barb Cala's answer

We have no idea how old you are or what your health and physical condition is.  If you're concerned, tell your Mom.  She'll want to help you feel better about this or get help if you need it.  Don't obsess over sizes.  It's more about how you look and feel and if you're healthy. 

Rosie Velcro
Rosie Velcro thanked Matt Radiance's answer

Nothing to be embarrassed about. Discuss this to your mother. She is your mother, she'll listen to you and will do her best for you.

This is your requirement, you shouldn't hurt yourself psychologically like this. Go forward and share the topic.

I'm not even sure how this gain is impacting you but since you sound … Read more

Rosie Velcro
Rosie Velcro thanked Jann Nikka's answer

Are you rapidly gaining weight? Or are you just buying clothes to small hoping you will lose weight? Either way discuss this with your mom and sister, today. 

Rosie Velcro
Rosie Velcro thanked PJ Stein's answer

You are at an ideal weight for your height. And quit comparing yourself to others. There are so many factors that go into one's build, you cannot make a true comparison.

Rosie Velcro
Rosie Velcro thanked Matt Radiance's answer

I wouldn't consider it fat.

-Don't let others appearances influence you about your own. You are entitled to your own physical condition and having your own type of unique appearance.

-Make sure to know the right definition of more about imbalanced weight, because you might even just being sensitive on yourself and overwhelming while you're … Read more