They might watch you when you aren't looking at the person. May to walk pass you or around. Follows you. Very quiet and when the person walks pass you, he/she may have the head down.
Marshall Bruce Mathers III, started from the bottom, now at the top.
Ofcourse not, this christmas I going a christmas with them fresh Jamaicans! So yeah, Black Christmas. Respect That #blacknfresh
the kitchen
Depends on the mood of the lyrics, Eminem is a great example of hiding meanings on his lyrics
I'd ask if company is needed, if so I'd sit with him/her, the other day he is eating with my whole crew
Bathroom time after eating everything
Ive been close doing it, juggling is optional, juggling is used to focus
Dumb, to whine, being offended, Democracy, two equally bad people run for president.
the female version of my self
Sometimes people just find others attractive looking, "Pure Natural", you probably more attractive than Neymar or Cristiano Ronaldo LOL
I kinda that type of guy, if you text him first mostly keep it up cause he's probably a bit to shy to start up a conversation, and if he likes you he'd take some time away to text with you
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Try Mingle around more maybe at the park or traveling
"why is my mom placing the christmas gifts instead of santa, mommy, WHERES SANTA!?"
Otis,s moonshine cures the cold also cures body aches arthritis headaches so call me up
get plenty of rest!!!
The best thing for the flu is prevention. Get your flu vaccine! Not always 100% effective, but will keep symptoms to a minimum should you get the flu. That being said, if you start having flu like symptoms, fever chills, body achs, see your doctor as he can give you Tamiflu.....plenty of rest, fluids, and … Read more