You won't be able to play games with that budget, sorry! I would recommend looking at gaming computers more than 800$ to get the most of what you want. Perhaps you can be more specific about what type of games you want to play?
In case you are looking to upload files then the data will be equivalent to your file size.
And in case of downloading/watching, the data would range more or less between this for "1 HOUR" of VIDEO -
240p ~ 150 MB
360p ~ 250 MB
480p ~ 400 MB
720p ~ 800-900 MB
1080p ~ 1.2 -1.4 GB
So a 25 … Read more
It's going to be hard to find a pre-built laptop with that cost in order to run Witcher 3 with very smooth gameplay.
Here is a website to help you out on what you should be getting. Simply type in the games you want to play and it will say the "required specs" vs the … Read more