Yeah I do!
Yep! I can't see me ever not having a dog or two.
These are my current furbabies, Skully and Arabella.
They make me smile every day!
And my previous furkids, Star...
and Thor. (The original mama's boy!)
Yes I am a "Dog Person". I prefer dogs to any other pets. I've had them for pets for as long as I can remember.
When kids ride or learn to ride we should consider about their safety, of course. Balance bikes are safer than training wheels and tricycles. On a balance bike kids are focused only on balancing, not pedaling. Learn balance with pedaling first time for kids is so embarrassing and risky. Balance bikes reduce the countless falls … Read more
Do you think that how to teach your kids to ride a bike or how to ride a balance bike and how will he/she learn balance on a bike? You should consider a balance bike to teaching them. Many people go into teaching their kids to ride on a tricycle or a pedal bike or … Read more
Nothing! People are too cute!