Milan  Woodson
Milan Woodson answered

The tallest mountain is found in the sea. The tallest dry land mountain is Mt Everest. I do not know if it is the biggest in terms of mass, which would be difficult to quantify since mountains almost always form as ranges (connected) of mountains, while indviduals mountains in a range are distinguished by their … Read more

Milan  Woodson
Milan Woodson answered

Gravity of planets, may be a misapplication. Gravity is what planets form in the surrounding fabric of their nearby space. Planets may not necessarily have gravity but cause it in the space they occupy. As an example; standing on or in a trampoline we would not say the indentation of you but of the trampoline. … Read more

Milan  Woodson
Milan Woodson answered Tris Fray Potter's question

Space is a multi-layered, multi-dimentional, realm of energy fabric or fabrics of energy (which the human eye cannot see).

(Though it appears to the human eye as black, it is actually a dark sapphire blue. What makes it appear black is the fact that space mostly contains hydrogen which gives it the appearance to humans … Read more

Milan  Woodson
Milan Woodson answered princess nichole naval's question

A comet is a celestial body made of ice, dust and gas that forms in the outer solar system beyond the outermost planet. Some of these objects periodically, since the time of their initial perturbation from the ring of comets (otherwise known as the Oort Cloud) where they formed, travel into the inner solar system … Read more

Milan  Woodson
Milan Woodson answered

The sky does not actually have a true color but is merely translucent. It is the refraction of the blue wave length of light, mainly, from the sun that reaches our eyes that gives the sky a blue appearance to humans. Different animals do not see the sky as blue.

Milan  Woodson
Milan Woodson answered N. Harmonik's question

No, a planet is a celestial body that has accreted enough material, and thus mass, for gravity to form it into a spheroid. Even most, if not all micrometeors that have been observed are spheroids in shape and not flat.

Sorry, I did not address the question about a planet being hollow. Since many planets are … Read more

Milan  Woodson
Milan Woodson answered

Because of two opposing forces upon planets, that of gravity around a nearby star or stars and the angular momentum (basically centrifugal force) of each planet. The two forces pull in opposite directions stablizing the orbits of local planets.