Try talking to your boss, maybe he/she will help by adjusting your work schedule so you can be home when your children come home from school. Or, like Tiger said, check into an after school program at the school, or maybe even your local community center.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Most schools have after school programs until 6 pm. Have you checked at your child's school?
Of course she knows what she's doing is wrong. I'm not sure what her point is in doing this. However, I do know the more you show her that this bothers you, the more she'll try to rub your face in it. People are perverse that way. I don't know why. It's like bullying - … Read more
Be firm but polite, let her know that that's something best friends don't do to each other. Good luck
With all the stories and things on the news about rape, I personally think it would make anyone scared of going out alone at night or being touched even slightly. Even though this may never happen to you, the news is still there and it may influence how you see men. Unless there is more … Read more
if it is your first period, (which it sounds like it is), it is normal for it to be very irregular. For your first few cycles it can't be well mapped out. So if you were menstruating Saturday and not Tuesday, don't worry it's normal for the first few times.