Sure! Afterall, you can't have a good story without a good antagonist. Take Darth Vader for example. He was just suppose to be some bad guy but people ended up loving him and he became an icon. Some of my favorite antagonists, other than Vader, would be Kylo Ren (Starwars), The Governor (The Walking Dead), … Read more
In my case, I think I just enjoy the skill of the actor playing the role. Sometimes it's so well done that you just have to admire them.
It's going to take some time and a lot of patience. Go slow and easy, never push her into something she doesn't want to do. That will just cause more stress for her. If you don't have any luck doing it yourself then try an animal behaviorist. Sometimes trauma like that requires a professional.
You can't "just walk", you need to retrain and build up her confidence. Itis going to take time and consistency in training. Start by putting her leash on her and playing in the front yard. After she is comfortable with that use treat6s to coax her out on the side walk. After she is comfortable … Read more
All life is sacred and cannot be replaced.
Carefully pick it up in a sheet of paper,
and put it outside. Get as close to nature,
as you can. It will be to your advantage.
Most social skills are learned, so it's good you want to expand your knowledge. I'm not going to tell you that it's easy, because for some people it's not.
I read the newspaper every day; I go online and come here; I open myself up to memorizing trivia facts - all these help me open … Read more
If you can't take the heat that comes with being in the public eye, don't do it.
So why is that bad? Are you planning on doing videos that are offensive or something? Or are you not suppose to be on YouTube or breakinf some other family rule?
If you are not doing anything wrong, and are just embarrassed, how are you going to feel when other people see it? If you … Read more
I'm always the a**, I don't try to be but I'm great at screwing everything up.
Tumblr, watching Dan and Phil videos and adorable animal videos work for me
Some teens can have and anxiety disorder so it would have to do with a chemical imbalance in your brain.
I've attached a link to help you in selecting your next bra. Here's a hint to you that I found out from my sister. You should be measured every year so you are wearing the right size bra. You would be surprised how much "the girls" might change from year to year.
The elastic tends to stretch with wash and wear use so that column thingy on the back may need to be tightened. A good rule of thumb is to anticipate this stretching and buy a bra that fits well on the looses column to give you adjustment capability.
If you notice bulging under or near your … Read more
Photography. I have sone great picture from my lone hikes. Just be sure if you are hiking alone that you let somene know what trail you will be on and what time you should be back. I fell once and ended up in physicall therapy for 4 months. I was able to hike back out … Read more
If you like being outdoors by yourself, you might enjoy hiking and filming the wildlife you encounter.
Something constructive and rewarding .. Like crafting. That could involve anything from woodworking, to stain glass, to furniture building, to quilting, to beadwork, to painting, to .. Well You get the picture.
... Or how about .. If you dislike people, but like animals .. Why not volunteer at an animal shelter?
Your best bet will be to speak with your school's IT staff and explain the situation to them. They will know best what to do to help you out. Good luck!