I don’t know exactly when the Refrigerator Magnet first became popular. But when men started use refrigerator then use of Refrigerator Magnet became popular. Now Refrigerator Magnet is an ornament used to hold up pictures, shopping list. Various shape & size of Refrigerator Magnet is available in market for use.
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In other words, an atom could have 10 paired (diamagnetic) electrons, but as long as it also has one unpaired (paramagnetic) electron, it is still considered a paramagnetic atom. Just as diamagnetic atoms are slightly repelled from a magnetic field, paramagnetic atoms are slightly attracted to a magnetic field.
Permanent magnet strength depends upon the material used in its creation. The strength of an electromagnet can be adjusted by the amount of electric current allowed to flow into it. As a result, the same electromagnet can be adjusted for different strength levels.