first, i need to say this. i began my Q & A forum interest on two sites: here and that "other" site. i just today deleted my profile from that other site. blurtit is a true "community". the other was not. barring the usual albeit frustrating nonsense, it is you, my friends, who keep me coming back here. my thx. and if that was mushy then so be it!
complex and complicated. good and bad qualities: 20/80, respectively. love what i do for a living, probably bordering on obsession. bipolar. been clean for 14 years. other than my 25 year drug history, my 17 year marriage is my longest comittment. i believe in God and think it's important to say so. i believe in absolutes, but i am a realist and believe honesty is, unfortunately, relative. altruism is, sadly, a dying virtue and, again, as a realist, the way we treat each other is not going to improve. but i will not resign to that fact, instead whenever possible i make a conscious effort to help others simply because it's the right thing to do.
i have taken for most of my life and it's time to give back. when i got clean i realized that if i didn't change i would be clean but always living on the edge. "we only have to change one thing - EVERYTHING". those of you in program have probably heard that a million times. and the more you heard it the more you began to see the truth of it. it hurts me sometimes, physically, when i remember all the harm i caused others - friends, family, even strangers. this keeps me safe. helping others - anyone - keeps me free.
returning to the absolutes thing, as far as my participation in this community is concerned, Truth is thee absolute for me. i mean, i try very hard to not allow myself to compromise or dilute it with my own opinion, belief, perception, conception, perspective or any other influence you can think of. Truth is Truth. period. it doesn't really matter what i think anyway because i can try and try and try until i'm blue in the face but Truth will always remain Truth. it's pure deception to relate Truth to the perpetuation of a personal agenda.
i am not so arrogant to presume i'm perfect - there's only One who i know of!! - or know everything. i don't want to anyway! and i have, so far, been fortunate enough to live a long and varied life to be able to realize that although i may have some intelligence and street smarts, i am still always teachable. may this be so until dimentia sets in or death!
AND to set it for the record, as a born again Christian, i don't stand on the street corner with a bull horn nor do i walk around sniffing out those who are not Christians to shoot them with my doctrine gun!! been there done that!!! since giving my life to Christ in the late 60s, i've had plenty of time and experience to fine-tune how i present my faith to others. "Ye shall know them by their fruits". i simply take opportunities to share when they happen and go from there. like i said above, i want to be teachable. ANY blurters out there who think i could use some improvement somewhere, please talk with me. if there's something needs changing, make me a better person, bring me closer to God, then let me know. you can "shout" at me but just don't scream and throw a tantrum!!