Bartenders in my area traditionally suck. I have no idea how they get their jobs, because none of them know how to pour a Guinness, and if I had a nickel for every time I had to re-explain what a "Sapphire and tonic" is, I could buy another one. IT'S GIN AND WHY DON'T … Read more
I'm assuming "crazy lady belly pains" is a euphemism for "OMG my uterus hurts".
There are many reasons one's girl-parts can be hurting. None of them can be accurately diagnosed over the Internet.
Some potential causes of cramping of varying levels (if you're just looking for words to google) can be ovulation, ovarian cysts, ectopic … Read more
How about Johnny Cash's remake of a Nine Inch nails song ?
Suggest that you both go get one together.
The definition of "theist" is one who believes in the existence of god or gods. The definition of "a-thiest" is one who does NOT (the "a" prefix) believe in god or gods. It is that simple.
There are flavors of atheists beyond that, but lack of belief is at the core of them all. Therefore, since … Read more
People are born implicit atheists- they have no knowledge of religion or the concept of gods so they don't believe in any. While technically anyone who doesn't believe in any gods is an atheist, that's a bit different than EXPLICIT atheism, which is what people who understand the concept of a god and reject it … Read more