The most immediate impact of aircraft is noise - whether it is the regular rumble of international jets or the buzz of microlights and light aircraft on sunny afternoons. The noise from airborne aircraft is related to air speed. Any fast-moving components, such as propellers and compressor blades, generate noise, as do the exhaust gases … Read more
A conventional aeroplane is a heaver than air machine, which means that in order to fly the wings must have a constant flow of air over them
An aircraft takes off or lands into the wind, it gives them the ability to be traveling slower relative to the ground and still have lift. Suppose a small aircraft has a stall airspeed, or the speed below which it doesn't produce enough lift to stay aloft, of 50mph. If it comes in for a … Read more
Turbine powered aircraft (including jets, turboprops, and many helicopters) use jet fuel. It is a heavy fuel like kerosene. Jet A is the heavy grade and Jet A1 is heavy grade with an anti-ice additive and is the most common. Jet B is a wide cut grade (kerosene mixed with gasoline) and is used mostly … Read more