Purple Fashionista
Purple Fashionista thanked Rooster Cogburn's answer

Doesn't sound like it's worth the effort to me. From what you've said, she doesn't sound much like a friend to begin with. I think it would be best to let that one go and find real friends. That one sure isn't any kind of real friend.

Purple Fashionista
Purple Fashionista voted up Rooster Cogburn's answer

Doesn't sound like it's worth the effort to me. From what you've said, she doesn't sound much like a friend to begin with. I think it would be best to let that one go and find real friends. That one sure isn't any kind of real friend.

Purple Fashionista
Purple Fashionista voted up Dakota Mackenzie's answer

I know how you feel, I care a lot about what people think of me too. 😔  I'm not sure of it can be helped, it's not really something you can change. Someone will always be there to judge, the best thing to do is ignore them, or think of those around you that actually … Read more

Purple Fashionista
Purple Fashionista voted up Anonymous' answer

The skin is our largest organ.  A great many behaviors can have a negative effect on the skin.  Smoking, alcohol abuse, sun exposure are terrible for skin aging.  We live in a toxic environment.  Pollution and chemicals take their toll as well.  Here's a link to give you more information.
