I know it sounds pretty obvious, but have you tried ASKING to be invited? Do you know anyone in the group that you can approach? If they ask you why you want to join their group, do you have a response for them? As always, if you want something bad enough, you have to be … Read more
"Hey, ____. Quit being an ass. I deserve to be treated better. Either straighten up or am out of here." Then follow through if he doesn't straighten up.
Give a consequence, but make sure it is something you are prepared to do. Don't make an empty threat. Then, when he does it again, follow through. Every time!!!! Consistency is key here.
Is it rude, inconsiderate, dangerous, unwise, etc, or is it just something that ticks you off and wouldn't bother someone else?
That information would be important to how I answer this question.
"Bob, since your car has broken down and is now in the shop, I would be happy to take you places if you were to help with giving me gas money to do so. Otherwise, I can't afford to help you in that way (giving you rides). I have been forced to watch my expenses … Read more
Add up the constant bills, like rent, food, gas, entertainment, etc. Then decide how much to pay on credit cards with what is left over.
First off, and this is very important to remember...
As for this relationship, not only can you leave, you most definiyely need to leave. He is showing the early signs of an abuser. You should not just leave, but you … Read more
Tell him he needs to find more positive things to bring up rather then negative things. You are WHO you are . . . Wanting to change some things about you means he doesn't love ALL of you.
I've been married 27 years . . Do I want to change things about my wife? If … Read more
Of course you do. Sometimes men don't believe that their women will break up with them. Fire off a warning shot by leaving him for an established amount of time so he can think about things and realize that he should treat you better.
Do you have the "right"? So sweetie, please. Of course you have the right!! Don't let anyone take away your power. You deserve to be treated really well and should never think you must take accept being treated badly.
You have every right to tell him that. He doesn't own you. Why would you even consider being in a relationship that effects your health negatively?
Life is too short. Tell him to act right or remove yourself from his toxic ways.
Of course you have the right to end the relationship, just because he says he loves you doesn't give him the right to pick arguments with you.
Feeling guilty frequently means that you haven't met the expectations you have had about how you should be able to handle a given situation.
Sometimes you can't meet your own expectations and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that---perhaps those expectations turn out to be unreasonable for any one of a number of good reasons.
Remember, as … Read more
Yes, you do have the right to time alone as well as apart from your boyfriend.
Of course you have the right to want alone time and be apart from your boyfriend! Just don't be for very long, because you're still together in this relationship. I assume, you're commited(cause why are you in one if you're not?) When you need this alone time though, it's best to communicate this need for … Read more
Better to talk to him and explain exactly how you feel then let it bottle up. Its going to affect you both, eventually.
Of course you have the RIGHT. If this is how you feel, respectfully explain it to him. Then hole that line. Don't allow him (or anyone else) try to manipulate you into doing (or not doing) something you don't want to do.