2nd guessing myself and thinking too hard.
My worst habit is probably procrastination. Yes, it's a fairly boring habit, but it really does affect day to day activities in many ways. I often find myself thinking about things I need to accomplish, and in the meantime, the task at hand is nowhere near being completed.
I find that those stains are impossible to get out and I've tried everything. Now, I use the rock method. I break the baking dish with a rock and just buy a new one.
Wet it slightly sprinkle some salt wait for a while and clean it normally.
The thought of a WWIII and children holding small animals.
When I read this question, I immediately started to think of all the negative things I could say, but you know what? I am furthered than I thought I would be in life. It may not be the perfect life, but I'm not dead. I surely thought I was gonna die in 2012 when the … Read more
Kids picking on my kid! Stupid little brats pick on her for everything! Sad thing is... Is I teach my kids to be nice to everyone. She is the poster child for "love your enemy!" I can honestly say, my kids are better people then me in my old age!
Saggy pants.
Those whom Jehovah God chooses to live in heaven with him are not humans. The Bible teaches this at 1Corthians 15:50, "But I tell you this, brothers,flesh and blood cannot inherit God's Kingdo." All those who are going to heaven will be spirit persons a form of life higher than humans.
Most people think that Gahanna is hell or like hell, but it is not. "There is no evidence that animals or humans were thrown into Gehenna to be burned alive or tormented. So the place could not symbolize an invisible region where human souls are tormented eternally in literal fire." The same goes for hell, … Read more
The world we live in is very dangerous and insensitive, but the Bible gives hope of all of the wicked things being done away with in the future. Revelations 21:4 says "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be … Read more