Knowing the true condition of the dead has greatly helped me to cope with death. God's Word, the Bible, teaches at Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 that "the dead know nothing at all....there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave." Recognizing that the dead are conscious of nothing assures me that they … Read more
Yes, yes, yes! I'm indeed enjoying life. Especially is this the case because I'm not at a loss as to how to make good choices and be happy in life. Truly Psalm 119:105 has been most helpful in my life. God's Word, has indeed proven to be a "lamp to my foot and light to … Read more
Absolutely, now that I have learned why I am here and that I have a wonderful future, and that sickness nor death can prevent it from happening. Jeremiah 29:11,Revelation 21:3,4
Yes I truly believe in God and his Son Jesus they are both important in my life, because God is the source of life Pslams 36:9 and Jesus gave his life as a ransome to free us from sin that Adam passed on to us. John 3:16, Romans 5:12
Before his ascension to heaven, Jesus commanded: “Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, . . . Teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19, 20) Christians’ primary work involves teaching, which includes explaining how Bible principles can be applied in everyday life.
A true Christian is a follower of Christ. Thus, becoming a Christian would require doing as Jesus instructed at John 17:3, "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ." As we study the life and ministry of Jesus Christ who said himself … Read more
The first step is to have a personal study of the bible so that you can come to know God and the one whom he sent Jesus Christ. John 17:3, once you learn what God requards you build faith and ,you repent of all your past deeds and you start applying God's laws in your … Read more
Superstition robs a person of enjoyment of life and the having a relationship with God, because it is based on a lie and the bible states that Satan is the father of the lie. John 8:44 . We are also told at John 8:32," You will know the truth,and the truth will set you free."
He may begin to depend more and more on superstitions, and before he know it, they may rule his life. And since superstitions are based on lies, he could become, in effect, a slave of “the father of the lie,” Satan. (John 8:44) In his book Believing in Magic—The Psychology of Superstition, Professor Stuart A. … Read more
Understandable, many persons are frightened by what they see taking place on earth—increasing lawlessness, terrorism, pollution of air, land and water, and general unrest among peoples and nations. Although affected by these conditions, I try very hard not to have a gloomy outlook. Because I know from God’s Word that the present world situation is … Read more
We can show that we love God by doing what is stated at 1 John 5:3, " This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments, and yet his commandments are not burdensome." A study of the Bible will help a person to identify what those commandments are.
The Scriptures refer to the figurative heart, which is the inner person—our desires, attitudes, and feelings. So loving Jehovah with our whole heart means that more than anything else, we desire to please God. (Psalm 86:11) We show that we have such love by making our personality acceptable to him. We strive to imitate God … Read more
This is what the bible says is the answer to your question. The bible says at 1 John 5:3 - "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome." Showing love to God will also bring us the best results in life. Everything we … Read more
Having a reputation for being honest is of great value. When a person is known for being honest they're often rewarded with the trust and respect of others. In addition to that, you will have a clean conscience. You'll be free of the nagging feeling of wondering if your dishonesty would ever be discovered. More … Read more
It sounds like a mistake. Surely you weren't trying to damage the couch, but as a result of your actions it was damaged. The fact that you feel bad says something really good about you. You have at work in you the gift of conscience that our Creator, Jehovah God has endowed you with. Our … Read more
True Christianity basics remain the same. What has changed is religions that have been formed in an attempt to get away from the direction that Jesus gave his followers. What man has done is to change things to suit his own personal likes and dislikes, instead submitting to the direction that Jesus gave.
It is … Read more
The bible acknowledges the god of this system of things who is very real. It says at 2Cor 4:3,4 "If, in fact, the good news we declare is veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that … Read more
Jesus likened “the end of the world” to what happened at the time of the global Flood in Noah’s day. (Matthew 24:37-39) At that time it was not the earth itself that was destroyed. Rather, it was ungodly humans. Because of the shocking behavior of the people living back then, God said: “I am going … Read more
I don't like any injustices. For example, when someone is falsely accused of doing something that's hurtful and malicious and they didn't have anything to do with it, is painful to me. For quite some time, I've heard some individuals blame God for all of the sickness, pain, suffering and death of people, young and … Read more
God has enable me to conceive in my mind his existence as the Creator and to worship him though never having seen him. I am truly indebted to him for life! Sure, one may say to me: Didn't your parents give you life? My answer would be: They did. Then I would ask them: But … Read more