Because there are laws that make it a crime to sell alcohol to people under 21. Sales to underage patrons can lead to revocation of liquor license, stiff fines and jail.
We're like a swarm of locusts infesting the site. There are well over 100 already, very possibly more than 200. More will come as Doomsday approaches Ask.
He's a protective dad. Good for him. Count yourself lucky he isn't standing outside with a shotgun to make sure you're home by curfew or not sitting in the car too long. My suggestion - don't have sex. If she gets pregnant or he just finds out you could find yourself quickly … Read more
You are a wise young man. Stick to what you know is right.
I'm pretty sure a female teenager pushing for sex just means that she's trying to trick you into ruining your life, because if she gets pregnant, you'll be held responsible for it and you'll get punishments from MANY sources. Your girlfriend's parents, YOUR parents, life itself, since you'll need to spend most of your time … Read more
I wouldn't believe a 16 year old boy if he told me he didn't want sex either. What you say is that it doesn't matter what you want. You have enough respect for his daughter and him, that it is not something you will pursuing with his daughter.
Halal food is food permissible to eat in Islamic law. Food that is not halal is pork or meat that was killed or served in an unhygienic manner. Halal food is healthy food or meat.
"Halal (حلال, halāl, halaal) is an Arabic term meaning permissible".
Hollister and Abercrombie sounds a bit pretentious. As least that's how it's looked at here in the states among teenagers and young adults. Richer kids who were better taught would laugh behind those who adorn themselves with such huge branding across their chest. Heck, even the poor kids knows the CEO of Abecrombie is a … Read more
It depends on what you mean. Spoiled can be taken two ways, the general way of thinking about being spoiled is more of an attitude. You expect things and feel entitled. When you don't get your way, you may throw a tantrum and get angry. The other is more general, just being someone who is … Read more
From other Ask users.
It's not either having money or coming from a wealthy family that makes you spoiled. It's the kind of person you are with this wealth that makes you either spoiled or not spoiled.
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