It's pathetic that they have nothing better to do than put you down, You don't have to do anything, just live your life, they know where you live they made an opinion, it was wrong, you aren't pathetic you are ill. Take care of yourself and don't waste a moments worth of you essential energy … Read more
Wow I would change that in a hurry. Why settle for hiding in the woods you are a grown up not a teenager. Tell him this, If he wants you in his life it needs to be out of the closet. Hiding is not the life for you. He needs to be a man and … Read more
Sounds like you are settling for less than you deserve and she has you by the "you knows" ! You seem desperate so she takes advantage. You shouldn't be sleeping in the same bed or under the same roof. You can move or ask her to, but if she's with someone else you HAVE to … Read more
Sounds like you are scared he will go back to her which means you don't think he can move on from his past, and you are insecure about yourself and your ability to be a good enough girlfriend that he would want to keep.
It's not about you or your fears, its about trust. You should … Read more
Well, let me see... you make a mistake and apologize, and she says you are not apologising right? That sounds like she is unaccepting of you or your apology. My advice. You follow "you don't mean it" with Ok, then I will assume, you don't accept it (my apology), and let me know when you … Read more
We should respect people right to listen or not no mater of religion involved. You just can't make people listen to you. If you really want to be heard, ask people about themselves.
Get a concealer, rub a red lipstick all around the dark spot and make it bigger in red than the spot itself. Lightly rub a bit or cornstarch on it and use a blush brush to smooth it down. Cover gently with concealer then use a liquid make up to even it all out
I would only wear off white, not tan, but sort of a light beige. Being the crafty girl I am, I'd get lime nail polish and make some kind of decoration on the shoes
As one of 13 children my mother and her siblings got in the large washtub in the family room one after the other every Sunday night. My mother was a smart girl, she offered to tote the water to fill up the washtub kettle by kettle as they warmed up on the coal stove in … Read more
The second I heard he was running, and listened to his announcement, I said Yeah! Someone who is NOT politically correct, and is just CORRECT. Like most I think its time to stand up and say ENOUGH BS lets fix this mess we are in. Tell it like it is and stop whitewashing and avoiding … Read more
I don't believe you can stop your TRUE sexual preference, but you CAN stop your behaviors that refer to it. Many people choose to embrace gay activity as a preference over straight because of emotional reasons having been straight , but I think those who know in their hearts what their true preference is cannot … Read more
How long have you mistrusted everyone? It sounds like you have a lot of fears of losing someone and you have created what you feared the most ( you created losing someone). Controlling and mistrusting behaviors are definite relationship killers. Choosing to think negative and mistrust has created losing your love, so trusting and thinking … Read more
They say that liars are very selfish and very insecure. We lie to make ourself look good, and look better than we really feel. Lying is a choice, People do it to show off because its all about how they look to others. They have no one left, because people see that they don't care … Read more
Think about a person who boasts, like a rooster in a hen house. The rooster wants all the hens to look at him so he struts around and makes noise, saying "look at me I am the best" People who boast say look at me compare yourself to me I'm the best I'm better than … Read more
Without judgement you speak the truth. "Talking to me face to face if you have an issue, is much more preferable than hearing that you are talking behind my back, if we are to be friends, I just want to let you know I heard you did this, and tell how I feel about it".
Buy some velcro strips and put some on the top and bottom edge of a few towels you like for after a shower, where the fold over meets so it will stay. Pin it first then sew it on with needle and thread.
You say "I wouldn't cheat because its like saying "You aren't good enough to keep me interested", and I'm not honest enough to say I'm unhappy lets either fix it or be done with it because we invested in it, So I'm going to stab you in the back and hurt you instead so I … Read more
Look at him as a father, how was he to YOU? Was he mean and hateful unreliable unavailable uncaring? Or was he generally happy to see you, gave you affection, & taught you things. No one is a perfect person, some imperfect people can still be loving parents. It is for you to decide to … Read more
Life is not a contest where we all strive to beat the other person to to top. Life is a journey and its a darn long one. High school is only 4 years of that journey, yet it is packed with competition for grades, sports, dating, popularity, the best of this and the best of … Read more