I am very outgoing. I feel this helps me in my personal life as well as appliance sales. I have a person in my world who is negative and tries to drag me down (insecurities). I rise above it and know I am a good person and a Christian. I pray for this person and … Read more
I heard that someone. Just blurted it out
Fact. My iphone app still works as far as the old question and profiles. You should see the last question posted. It had like 85 answers last I looked because people are using it to chat. Creepy but fun lurking around in a ghost site. A live portal to a dead place. App ghosts! … Read more
I have to pick two.....a fresh bagel with cream cheese and a cinnamon roll. Yum!
I absolutely have left my house in my slippers. When my children were younger, I overslept and barely got them out of the house to go to school. Funny.....my kids weren't nearly in as much of a hurry as I was.