Well throughout elementary, I was the only white kid in a class of black students. Yes, I was bullied. Yes, I heard racial slurs.
As a guy, yes. Plenty of women will hit men and think they can do it because they're women and you're a man.
Well throughout elementary, I was the only white kid in a class of black students. Yes, I was bullied. Yes, I heard racial slurs.
As a guy, yes. Plenty of women will hit men and think they can do it because they're women and you're a man.
Well feminism is no longer needed nowadays since women not only have equal rights to men, but in some instances more rights than men. As for the women who are against it, I'd say they don't have a problem. What they're against is the idea that women in Western Countries are being oppressed, which isn't … Read more
My parents said my new nickname should be Sue. When I asked what it meant, they said it meant a grown man. I'm thinking it might be some kind of older person type of speak. They're both in their 50-60s if that helps.
People are judging America's history based on the mentality that we have today, which isn't fair.
Years ago, slavery was a thing. It was a pretty popular thing. (Still is in some countries today.) But we've improved. We've recognized that you don't own another person.
Sure, slavery was wrong. Expecting women to clean the house … Read more
I've seen the BLM portray their movement incorrectly, so I'm going to provide a better one.
It's like being in a restaurant and having a horrible waiter. The waiter doesn't like anyone, regardless of race. The other waiters are fine; it's just that one. The waiter is rude and disrespectful to all the diners.
A … Read more
Even in NY, most women still don't go topless. Very few of them do, if any.
They can't go topless because there's a difference between a man and a woman's chest. Take the average teenage boy and the average teenage girl. You're going to see something on the teenage girl's chest. You can obviously tell … Read more
I'm voting for Donald Trump. He's the best candidate we have so far.
I'm not a medical professional so no. I'd rather call for the hospital and ask them what I need to do while they get to us.
Well for one thing he realizes that many people are too sensitive and he wants to get rid of the idea of being "politically incorrect". He realizes that our country is too much of a pushover nation.
Also he realizes that our immigration policies need to be updated.
Donald Trump is a great candidate for President. The only thing I don't like is the liberal media that is constantly trying to paint him as this racist, sexist person by taking everything he says out of context.
The only thing it tells me is that the other options are that worse.
There's Hilary Clinton, who justified the rap of a 12 year old girl years ago by saying she was "asking for it".
There's Bernie Sanders, who's gullible, a crack head, and whatever idiotic things teenagers believes, he agrees with. His ideas … Read more
In some places, it's not considered socially appropriate. I have a pink cell phone (I got it from my sister, and haven't gotten the money to buy a new case) and I get people asking me, "You still have that pink phone case?" all the time.
I don't see skirts that often where I live anymore. But I do want to say that as far as what women wear, I think they should be more appropriate and less revealing. A lot of young women are exposing too much of their bodies these days, and then complaining because the guys around them … Read more
Nowadays, people are offended by everything. Recently, a video went around on media of a black girl who bullied a white girl because she had a certain hair style. The black girl's excuse was that it was "cultural appropriation", and that it was "her culture".
Personally, not one culture owns one single thing, whether it's … Read more
Yes, as long as you are actually practicing it. And if you are polyamorous and you don't consider it cheating, then just remember that you can't say something is cheating. Just saying.