Birdman is a movie that had its nationwide release in November 2014, so there's a good chance it was already shown at a theater near you.
To check if it's still showing, all you have to do is visit the Google Movies website and search for "Birdman".
Click the link here to get started: … Read more
Going around telling people how awesome you are is the most un-awesome thing you could possibly do.
Sometimes, people are not looking for those who can follow, but they are interesting for what they can get to the website like this. They ask and most of the time there are answering questions. They are interested in new knowledge and what they can contribute to the community.
I don't think there's a conclusive answer to whether long hair or short hair is better. I remember a girl in my class who had really long her, and told everyone she was going to cut it.
Even the teachers were trying to convince her not to do it.
But when she showed up the next day … Read more
I've noticed that, because the community isn't the same size as some of the larger social networks, to get someone to follow you on Blurtit you sometimes need to ask or answer a few questions before you show up in people's feed enough.
If your questions or answers are interesting, or if your profile pic or … Read more
Well since you're under 18 and he is 21 yes he could very well go to jail. Is this the reason why you want to run away? If so it will ruin your life and it's not worth it. Please think long and hard before you do anything because whatever you decide will affect the … Read more