HAHAHAHAH OMG! YES!! He deserved it!!! The slap and the fish haha!!! No, you not wrong girl!
"Two wrongs don't make a right"..but, hey sometimes, if a girl feels it's right to, "Get him back" then, go for it! Why? Because, not only will it make you feel good to be with someone new who may appreciate you, but go ahead and let your bf find out! And then dump him! Or, … Read more
Because they want to see if they really like a girl or if they like someone else. But they don't realize how much the relationship means to the other person.
I would confront him about it. Sounds to me like he's hiding something. If you don't have trust then you don't have a relationship.
First ask him if he is cheating. Now, let's say...he says, "I'm not cheating", okay well let it be. I figured out when guy one of my exs were cheating and here are the signs:
1. He closes his phone screen whenever your close to him.
2. He leaves the room to have conversations on the phone
3. … Read more
If he says nothing when you confront him... I would say don't snoop.... But if it comes to it you might have to. You never know whats going on, and he might be getting himself in trouble
I would confront him about it. Sounds to me like he's hiding something. If you don't have trust then you don't have a relationship.
Okay so for "V Day" I think you should go out to dinner, then maybe somewhere elegant or maybe stay in and romance the whole house.... like decorate in with rose pedals and candles!