Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered

It is unclear what disease or illness Avril Lavigne has, as she has not made an official statement about it. In a message to a fan Avril disclosed that she has been absent from the music scene because she has been unwell, but she did not state the cause of her illness.

It has been confirmed, … Read more

Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered Anonymous' question

The police will only remove you from his house if they feel that you, your boyfriend, or any children are in danger. They will not remove you from the premise purely because your boyfriend requests it, and because you are not on the lease.

If the police were called out they … Read more

Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered

It's really debatable whether pocket money should or should not be given to children. 

But, I've listed below some of the reasons why pocket money should not be given to children.

Why you shouldn't give your child pocket money

  • Because with pocket money they may not learn the value of money. I think … Read more
Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered

No, Aptimust should not be given to a child unless under a doctor’s instruction. The sedative effect, as well as the side effects, can be much more severe in children which could pose a significant risk to a child’s health.

You can buy antihistamine syrups which are designed for children, … Read more

Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered

Tinder Desktop is a version of Tinder which is designed to be used on a PC, or laptop, as the original was exclusively a mobile app.

There seems to be a lot of hype surrounding Tinder, and no doubt Tinder Desktop will only increase the buzz. To me, Tinder is … Read more

Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered George Coffman's question

To use rosemary essential oil you must first dilute it in either water or another oil, like almond, grapeseed oil, or coconut oil. This is an important step, as if left undiluted you can really burn or irritate your skin. I'll explain more about how you can use this oil below.

How to useRead more

Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered

It sounds like your dog’s discomforts is caused by an allergy, and so the first point of call should be to address the root cause. You should try to determine what is causing the allergy.

Your dog may be intolerant to something he is eating, or allergic to something which … Read more

Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered

There is some debate about when the period of modernism began, however, popular opinion is that came into prominence at the start of the 20th century. Going off this assumption, the First World War was the most significant war to precede the period of modernism, or least be prominent at that time.

Modernism can … Read more

Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered Anonymous' question

If your dog is scratching the base of its tail and the skin appears flaky or dry, then it could be that your dog has dandruff. Dandruff is a dry skin conditions, and it is actually quite a common aliment for the Westie breed.

What causes dry skin in dogs?Read more

Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered Anonymous' question

Gamma rays and X-rays are very similar; however, gamma rays have a slightly high frequency than x-rays. They both have short wavelengths, but gamma rays have an even shorter wavelength than x-ray. 

Because they are so similar, the focus of their differences is usually placed on the origin of the rays, as I'll explain below:

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Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered

Relations between sex workers and clients are considered a business transactions. As such, it can be assumed that it is not unethical to have sex with different girls who work there. It could however be argued that it is unethical to visit a whorehouse at all. It may also still impact the woman's feelings.

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Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered

The main disadvantage of a subsistence economy is that if the system fails, and it can no longer meet the needs of those who exist within the economy, then it is difficult to obtain resources from elsewhere without currency. I'll explain in a bit more detail about this and other disadvantages below.

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Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered Anonymous' question

Although there is no official girl code, unless you have your best friends blessing, it would generally be considered to go against the girl code if you hook up with your best friend's ex.

The girl code is all about putting girlfriends before boyfriends. The reason it might be considered to … Read more

Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered

No, it is not instinct for a man to whistle at a woman. Usually a man will whistle at a woman to get her attention, or to make her a non-verbal 'compliment'. However, many women find whistling degrading, intimidating and consider it a form of harassment.

Men do whistle on purpose, although, in many … Read more

Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered Anonymous' question

There are several ways to reduce the visibility of scars, including wearing make-up, plastic surgery, tattoos, and healing creams. I'll explore the options in a bit more detail below.

How to reduce the visibility of scars

Personally, I think the most effective thing you can do is focus on healing the scars. … Read more

Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers thanked Emily Rivers' answer

I do think the shirt was in bad taste. In both senses of the word - it's pretty awful and I thought men knew that these are NOT FASHIONABLE anymore. Also, it does present some sexist undertones such as that women are objects to be looked at rather than be super-cool scientists who can land … Read more

Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers answered Anonymous' question

I understand Anonymous responding like they did, but it does seem a bit like fighting fire with fire. Luckily they seem to have gone for the flame thrower so I think they'll be okay!

The Ku Klux Klan is in no position to make the kind of the kind of threats they did, and it's … Read more

Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers thanked Phil Newton's answer

Operation KKK is a virtual attack on the Ku Klux Klan currently being carried out by the collective group of hacktivists known as Anonymous.  It all came about when the Ku Klux Klan decided to send out a flyer to Ferguson residents, suggesting that they would use lethal force against protesters.

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Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers voted up Phil Newton's answer

Operation KKK is a virtual attack on the Ku Klux Klan currently being carried out by the collective group of hacktivists known as Anonymous.  It all came about when the Ku Klux Klan decided to send out a flyer to Ferguson residents, suggesting that they would use lethal force against protesters.

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Beth Leivers
Beth Leivers thanked Yo Kass' answer

Personally, I don't think the shirt was really that offensive.

There are far worse and more demeaning images which we're exposed to on a daily basis in the name of  "entertainment" (Kim Kardashian's latest photo-shoot for example)... So I kind of find it difficult to understand what all the fuss is about!

I can see … Read more