1. The Alchemist
2. The Fifth Mountain
3. Veronica Decides to Die
1. The Alchemist
2. The Fifth Mountain
3. Veronica Decides to Die
Eregon series, the false prince, and lord of the Rings series
The Book Thief - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_Thief
American Gods - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Gods
Thousand Splendid Suns - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Thousand_Splendid_Suns
(Just to mix different genres in)
Cook Book, Phone Directory, Mags
The hunger games, The vampire diaries and 50 shades trilogy
Divergent trilogy, Hunger games trilogy, and anything by Frank Perreti, ok, that's more than three, but whatever, oh wait, scratch that last part and make it Skipping Christmas by John Grisham. Or Gresham, I forgot how to spell his last name.
boy in the striped pyjamas
esperanza rising
elephant gold
just trouble shooting here, but was it hot?
my dog had a fit once and i had no idea why until i realised how hot it was and that his water bowl was a bit low.
it could have been that he was marking his territory or, especially if he's young, he could simply have needed to and happened to be in the vicinity of your foot lol
i'm no expert, and i won't claim to be, but my dog will run scared from one particular friend of my step-dad and we never knew why. It was so weird, though later we found out that the dog had gotten overly friendly with one of his kids and he'd told him off. Ever since, … Read more