Sophie Marian
Sophie Marian commented on Amanda Layne's answer
Aha well omg! I'd wish to be you right now Larissa cause I really want to get back with my ex and hearing that your ex still wants you is sweet! He wants you and don't miss your chance! I once lost my chance so if you want him then tell him how you feel … Read more
Sophie Marian
Sophie Marian answered Anonymous' question

How old are you Larissa? Honestly , I wouldn't have had sex with a guy until I'm around 16-17 and over . Especially if your not his girlfriend and P.s save your virginity to a special guy .

Sophie Marian
Sophie Marian thanked kalashree ha's answer

Sex is not love, it is just a part of being love... you can still show someone that you love them without having sex with them, have you thought about that?

Sophie Marian
Sophie Marian thanked Emilie Theriault's answer

Depends on what you mean by young

10-14  absolutely out of their minds

15-17  probably really horny

18-20  more responsible then most but still pretty horny

21+  living the young adult life

At least that's what I presume them to be also could you help me out with my question?