In all of humanity, God has not left us alone. Abraham the first major prophet is the Ancestor of all the others, in a human genetic sense. Each prophet came to a different part of the world and a different period. For example, Buddha Krishna, and Zoroaster are not commonly considered part of the chain … Read more
High MCH indicates Pernicious Anemia for which you need treatment of B12 injections before your symptoms worsen. Taking B12 orally will not work. Your stomach or intestines are not absorbing B12 and is why your MCH is high.
Late-stage symptoms are white hair, sore tongue, rapid heart beat, loss of bladder control, dementia (misspelled words, blanking out, … Read more
It can mean a number of various disorders which your doctor will explain to you and carry out further tests if necessary.
A possible outcome from high MCH levels is macrocytic anemia, which simply means that you have a form of anemia in which the erythrocytes (red blood cells) are larger than … Read more