i was about the same weight as you when i was that height. Idk if this can work the same for girls but to gain weight for basketball i drank a lot of protein shakes and lifted a lot of weights. My coach told me no matter what i do don't gain weight in an … Read more
weed is awesome it makes you relaxed and focused. I got high before my finals one time and got a 99 on it! It makes you laugh a lot and you get really Hungary but not only that everything taste good asf too. Also you over think think things ( which is not a bad … Read more
because an abiotic factor could never do anything on its own so it needs a biotic factor to interact with it. For example a videogame is worthless unless somebody turns it on and plays it.
most people stop growing at the age of 21 so just exercise a lot and eat healthy. I'm 6'2'' and the tallest person in my family by a long shot. I also have a long time until I'm done growing and I eat LOTS of broccoli so maybe that could help.
Guns Germs and steel is an amazing documentary done by national geographic. It touches on the subjects of exploration and why the Europeans where the ones conquering the Native Americans and not the other way around. To watch it look up guns germs and steel on YouTube and it is also available as a book. … Read more
Guns Germs and steel is an amazing documentary done by national geographic. It touches on the subjects of exploration and why the Europeans where the ones conquering the Native Americans and not the other way around. To watch it look up guns germs and steel on YouTube and it is also available as a book. … Read more
Venus does have a atmosphere and most people say venus doesnt have a magnetic feild but some say it does but it is very weak, my hypothesis is it does have a weak magnetic field beacause 2 things are thought to generate a magnetic field (a) liquid iron core (b) rapid rotation rate. Venus does … Read more
trust me in high school a guy doesnt want to be asked out by a girl so just let him know you have feelings for him and wait and if he likes you as well he will ask you out when he feels the time is right
i think it just means he is inexperienced with girls and that was like his first time getting grinded on or something because back when i got my first grind i almost got hard
"the pursuit of the past" could possibly work