The closest it gets is 91,405,436 miles in early January and 94,511,989 miles in early July. So 1 mile probably wouldn't make a difference.
it already does that, during the summer.
The distance between the Earth and the Sun is not a constant - in the course of a full rotation around the Sun, the distance varies by about 3 million miles.
So, in short, if the Earth were to move just one mile closer to the Sun, the difference would be negligible. However, your question … Read more
Prices of consumer items would go up, businesses would profit, until people started panicking and turned to criminalism, police would go up, then there would be world chaos, then calm, with maybe no technological advancement, then the supposed meteor would kill us all in 2029.
there IS nothing on the moon, and the only asteroids around are hurtling at us.