Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider thanked John Doe's answer

Probably because they can. They sit behind the computer, or phone or whatever device with no intention of ever meeting someone in person... So these people can be whomever they want to be, make things up to suit the situation. Of course, not everyone is like that......personally, I find people like that despicable.

Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider answered Anonymous' question

  I have personal experience with this. Not on dating websites or anything. I don't know about the people on there, but on websites like Blurtit it's because I don't want people to judge me based on my age, so I just avoid the whole, "How old are you?" sorta thing and lie if people … Read more

Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider thanked Anonymous' answer

In ancient China, it was believed that deer had the secret for immortality.  The deer were thought to go into the forest and eat a special kind of mushroom (similar effect to the Hellenistic belief of Ambrosia).

I wish that mushroom existed so I could live forever.  Even though, I hate mushrooms, I'd scarf it down.

Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider thanked Cyber Tooth Tiger's answer

My cousin tells her friends whether male/ female she loves them. I just think this was a figure of speech and my cousin tells me and her grown kids she loves them so I don't know.. I am leery on using that four letter word cause there is just too many people that take advantage … Read more

Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider answered spunky monkey's question

  I have a theory about this! So my theory is that they're really afraid to show their true personality in fear of rejection so they cover it up by being incredibly bossy! They feel that when they are being showered with all of the things that they "want" that others are expressing love towards … Read more

Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider answered spunky monkey's question

  I know this question is old, but "Time heals all wounds." I was in your situation and it hurt like hell for a whole year, and I still get sad about 'what could have been' once in a while, but it feels way better after a while. I guess you get used to it, … Read more

Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider thanked Anonymous' answer

Like Plato, I would rather have someone who talked with something to say rather than talk because they feel they have to.
Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider answered Cyber Tooth Tiger's question

 This is the "it really depends on chemistry and passion" answer you were possibly dreading. It really does though! I'm a fan of teasing in a relationship, so I guess I'd be the teaser if the person was shy...I'm usually the teasee (hehehehe that's funny! THERE'S NO SQUIGGLY RED LINE! I AM A GRAMMAR GOD!). 

Since … Read more

Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider answered

  I wrote this in the notes section of my phone and remembered it just now:

"Death is the casualty of all hopes and dreams, the point when one is incapable of any love and only of hate and misery."

  So in other words, people like Hitler were already dead before they died; their soul, the … Read more

Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider answered Simple Gurl's question

Absolutely! The one time we took our Great Dane for a walk a Maltese snapped in its face! Our dogs are also afraid of the weather (rain, snow, and ice) and run for the hills when I fill their water bowl with the hose! My dogs are also very lazy. We have to prompt them … Read more

Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider voted up Emily Rivers' answer

Hi there!

Sorry to hear that you were sick. I know as a singer that the worst thing to happen when you're ill is to lose your voice!

If you were sick and lost your voice about 2 months ago, and your voice isn't nearly as good as it used to be, … Read more
Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider thanked Emily Rivers' answer

Hi there!

Sorry to hear that you were sick. I know as a singer that the worst thing to happen when you're ill is to lose your voice!

If you were sick and lost your voice about 2 months ago, and your voice isn't nearly as good as it used to be, … Read more
Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider commented on Anonymous' answer
Isn't immortality quite bittersweet? You'd have to watch all of your loved ones grow old and pass away, only to have the process repeat if you met more people. Furthermore, would you be immortal in the typical way (aging up until a certain point and staying that way forever) or would you just keep aging … Read more
Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider thanked Yo Kass' answer

I think it's because in certain countries, especially ones with a European colonial past, skin tone is heavily associated with social class, so it has become ingrained in those cultures that it is desirable to have lighter skin.

Ironically, most typical European high streets now contain one or more tanning salons.

It seems like noone is happy … Read more