I use the app 'People per Hour'. There are many freelance sites where you can offer your skills for cash
Most of these companies are scams, it's a tricky industry to get into. My suggestion, meet people in real life if you want to work online at home. Even then, don't take it for granted it's safe
Prostitution? it's the oldest profession after all... if you don't want to sell your body, how about bidding on items on eBay, improving their appearance at a low cost, then selling them on for more.
My friend did this by customizing jackets with pins and badges.
I love this site! So many great questions for me to answer.
Making money is difficult buddy, especially if you need it next day.
Maybe see if their is any bar jobs or construction jobs in your area that need an extra hand for the day. Most high payers won't hire in 24 hours though
Yeah, what Jordiekae said... iwriter is a scam. I used Hubpages, but didn't make very much money. Better to write your own blog and make $0.23 for each ad click yourself. Don't expect to make lots of dough unless you have LOTS of traffic though
Try babysitting to make money. Noone will trust me with their baby though :(