I will have to wait till I get my genealogy "bush" done before I make a really good list. Otherwise, I would visit the top 5 stops along the line between Oslo, Norway and Milan, italy. Why? I've always loved history and there is tons of places of historical significance between those two points, so … Read more
Great question! For me it is extremely hard to choose. Well, Jesus is an obvious choice, but not sure which question I would ask. There are several from Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, Picts, Druids, early Dynasties of the Orient, Ancient Rome, and several Native American Tribes. I LOVE HISTORY! :) That's why I asked if … Read more
I would do both. There are answers to a few things that i would like to have. Some historically significant. Some personally significant. Would there be any interaction allowed?
Wow, that sounds awesome. Notebooks, pencils, and sharpeners are vary totable when staying anywhere. Bring a camera too, just to keep an accurate picture for a story idea.
As someone that lives in California, on the coast between Santa Barbara and San Francisco, I would agree that the people are friendlier than most. Expensive is a relative thing. There are times that yes it would be more pricey than others, but my area is really quite affordable. The weather is beautiful year round. … Read more