some people can take a diuretic to eliminate the drug faster through your urine. check your blood pressure tho if you feel dizzy could be dropping it too fast also replace your potassium could get chest pain/ or muscle cramps if you dont
I took 2 norcos on saturday an have a urine drug test for work on wednesday will it show up in you/a
Norco and vicodin are the same thing, norco has less apsrin then vicodin... Oxycodone is percasit, sorry for my bad spelling, the oxy stays in your system for 5 days, chug lots of water and take niacin, you can get niacin at walgreens and other pharmacys, its in the vitamin section..... Trust me 7 days of … Read more
how will niacin help?
Yes.Norco is an opiate schedule 3. It will be positive on a drug screen. Under opiates.If you have a legit rx from a doctor . You can take the paperwork in and prove your reasons for this medication. I dont know what your drug test is for, but having the rx of a pain med … Read more