Alana Schmitz
Alana Schmitz answered Anonymous' question

Because she's under age, and you're over age, yes..

You both need to wait six years, which you'd both be able to do if you really do love each other.

Alana Schmitz
Alana Schmitz commented
Dude, just because your gay doesn't mean you can't have kids. Sure, they might be adopted, but who cares...If you're happy, then everyone else should be!! So, stop caring what haters think, cause they're going to hate, just go live life and be happy(:
Alana Schmitz
Alana Schmitz answered

Well, actually you could tell him and you never know, he might actually end up liking you back. It has happened to someone I know, and it could happen for you...So, yeah. Or, if you know that he won't (which I don't think you would know entirely) then you don't have to tell him. Just, … Read more

Alana Schmitz
Alana Schmitz voted up angie zhang's answer

That is AWESOMEEE man this makes it so much easier , firstly you know what if you guys haven't spoke to each other before , approach her like a friend and talk to her about normal stuff , don't do anything to humiliate her , be friendly and nice , get to know her more … Read more

Alana Schmitz
Alana Schmitz voted up Brian Scott's answer

Ah writing sick letters is easy. I used to write fake ones to get out of school all the time :) The trick is never get your mum to sign anything, otherwise they will have a signature to

How to write a sick note

To [Principle's Name],

I regret to inform you that I have been taken … Read more

Alana Schmitz
Alana Schmitz answered

That's illegal. . .Trust me, I've been in that kind of situation, and it ended really badly. It would be in both of your best interests just to break up because of that age difference, and just because both of your parents say it's okay, doesn't mean it's legal.

Alana Schmitz
Alana Schmitz commented on Laura Maria's answer
You should tell him to go right to her and confront her about how she's making him feel. If he does really love her then I think that he should help her to stop, and have a long talk with her about everything that she's doing. But if she continues doing that, then they should … Read more