lj Garcia
lj Garcia answered samm's question

I guess that would depend on what kind of relationship you guys have and how good your communication is. If you have a good communication, don't worry, he understood and knows you well enough to trust you. If comm. Is not so good or he is getting a little cold, he needs some explanation or … Read more

lj Garcia
lj Garcia answered Anonymous' question

One good way I've learned to let go of my loved one and let him be, is learning FIRST that he is an individual and needs his own time. THEN, I also learned that I could use some self-dedicated time as well... What I mean is: Take that time to think of yourself as well, … Read more

lj Garcia
lj Garcia answered Darlene M. Japel's question

I'd recommend that you go see your local community clinic, there are many county clinics that support teens and other groups, they are very confidentiality- sensitive and most of their services are free, specially if they have to do with sexual education and birth control. (many of these clinics are located where WIC clinics are … Read more

lj Garcia
lj Garcia answered Anon amous' question


This is a community support group. I don't have gay parents, but I have a gay uncle whom I love with all my heart and have learned to respect and love the way he is. At first it was kind of hard to get used to his relationship with another man … Read more

lj Garcia
lj Garcia answered Orange Ninja's question

You might like to read, there are great books that have action, sci fi, etc.

You may like crafts, knit, writing poetry, drawing, painting, making jewelry, sewing, cooking, origami, clay sculpture, start a home biz :)

Good luck!