there is no such thing as too many
it really doesnt matter at all
Have you tried a blog site like Wordpress or Blogger? I use both, and they're pretty good.
It's easy to get started, and you don't need to know any technical stuff unless you like want to really customize how it looks.
Also they have kind of like mini social networks within them, so you can meet other … Read more
science and technology are all good in fact they are just about the only good thing in the universe because with out them we would be resigned to living lives in fear as they did in the old days where praying was our only means of comfort in an otherwise incomprehensible world. It baffles me … Read more
neither could ever be a disadvantage since they both imply progress in terms of human potential and survival....without them both humanity would be at a terrible disadvantage....and worse.... Would be at the mercy of whomever possessed either or both...
are you attractive? If so be an E-stripper, if no then be an E-pimp, if you are under 18.... I got nothing.... Also i live in germany if your parents want to sue...
if you wear two different types of fabric according to Christianity then you are going to hell. Life is to short to waste on such things
ask him to
physics people, PHYSICS!! No of course those things dont exist