Go for smoky eyes with twin shade that is silver in the inner section and black towards the tail.
Check this but the hairs arent blonde go for pinkish shades as well with a bit of bronzner.
Love doesn't come with rule books of who to fall in love with.
If you have doubt about your feelings take time and respect the guys decision as well so you don't land into the dark forest of pain.
Give him a chance.
Not always you land up with fake and bad people, he may be your prospective partner.
More than him give yourself some time and a second chance.
Show some love for yourself.
Sweety you may want to do it for now but think about it.....
When you'll be totally into him and madly in love about all the time you had with him there will come this news that.....
His emotions were neither with you nor with her so you should ask him why exactly he wants your … Read more
A Skirt like that is a big no-no for any age.
Your clothes are a way to show who you are and they represent you before your mouth can so I would suggest that they are good till you wear diapers after that you should grow up and leave your kinder garden clothes.
Damn ya!!
And it was more shitty as i was crossing the road and there were a lot of people around me.
And what's more weird than this is once while skipping i was wearing my Red Boyfriend Jeans( skin fit leather jeans) and all of a sudden i jumped up and they fell down and its … Read more
Skirts are easier to put on...
Definitely works but you should know when and how to wear it
else it can end up looking a disastour.
Well there are different way you can wear them these pics may help you also you can try the DIY for them.....
Accessories and jewellery will really bring these scarves to life though!
Well I would prefer an Elegant wedding dress....
Casual is to mainstream something that is a bit of both would work great I don't know where you may get a one but I'd love to know as well and Its your only day make it worth the count.
I Guess you should try Fedex..they may know and server your need.