No, you can convert 1/3, by multiplying by 4, and you get 4/12, which is smaller than 5/12.
Tell him, and you really shouldn't fear about being judged, as long as you two are happy you shouldn't care about what others think. Don't ignore him, you'll make him feel really bad!
Well we convert all the fractions to have the same denominator. To do so, we first have to find the lowest common multiple of 4, 7 and 2, which is 28. Then, we multiply each fraction's numerator and denominator by whatever number we need to multiply the denominator to get 28.
1/4 (we multiply top and … Read more
1/3= 0.33
0.33x100=33.33333333 %
The confirmation code was probably sent to your email
Well, first of all it would be illegal if she did send the picture because that's called sexting and it's against the law. Secondly, if you want to talk to someone about it, tell your parents or your school counselor. However, if you think that that's not necessary, you could just ignore it, but if … Read more
because of global warming
Because your instagram might have connected to your facebook.
Because some boys feel like they aren't boys, they just have boy body parts. They feel like they have a girl brain but a boy body. It's the same thing for girls who want to become boys.
If you are really worried then maybe he should get a restraining order so he can't get close to you or your mother or her son. However, if you don't want to go that far you could talk to your mother about it and maybe she could take a break with him so they don't … Read more
It could mean one of two things. The first one could be that they think that you don't have an appealing body and therefore it's "hilarious". If that's true, then that was quite rude of them and you should just disregard them.
The second reason is they are immature girls who still get embarrassed for whatever … Read more
it depends on the context but it usually means embarassed but it could also be a bit flirty.
Share it on social networking sites like facebook and twitter so all your friends can see it and recommend it to other people. However, if you don't feel comfortable with people you know reading your short story then maybe you could share your story in the short story club. (it's in the community section.) You … Read more
probably not...
I think it depends on your face shape and the length of your hair, but whatever you think suits you best.
well, I don't really know the answer to this but my grandmother was a kid when WW2 was happening and she says it was really horrible and when the war began most children would lose their fathers and people would often have to hide in basements when there were bombings. My grandmother still has nightmares … Read more
somewhere between 2,843 and 3,752 calories
Most people just say 3,500
Well, there's no such thing as an age at which you can start wearing thongs, anyone can start wearing thongs whenever they want but what that person means is that there's no point in you wearing a thong at your age seeing as you have no one to wear it for/impress anyone. I think most … Read more