I am truly sorry to hear this. I too have lost loved ones in my time including my husband, and I still honestly think about him every day. The sadness has never passed from my heart, but you will become stronger day by day I absolutely promise this. People told me the exact same thing, … Read more
The average male requires roughly 2,500 calories a day to keep his body weight stable. The average female only need 2,000
But these figures change based on age and how fit and active you are.
How about a title like "How early childhood environments impacts on performance in the education system".
It is something I have always wondered as I live in an area with some social problems such as poverty and broken homes, and it is no coincidence that we also have lower than average school performacnes compared to the … Read more
Why don't you take inspiration from one of the many PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) slogans:
- If you wouldn't wear your dog, please don't wear fur
- Feeding your children meat is child abuse.
- I'd rather go naked than wear fur.
try to use visuals as well, PETA do that very well.
I don't use Facebook often, but I am a bit of a know it all when it comes to quotes.
Some of my favorite quotes are:
“Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.” - Albert Einstein
“When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the … Read more
Has anything in her cage changed recently? Sounds like a panic attack, if something new is bothering her, she may be freaking out. If not, do you take her out a lot? She could be stressed from lack of enrichment and stimulation in her life.
Not necessarily a mother complex, my theory is that these type of men often have to deal with stress and pressure in their work life day to day, so to come home to someone that rules them and takes the responsibility off them is a pleasure.
That's why many of the men that enjoy being with … Read more
Drinking alcohol when you are unwell sounds like a very bad idea to me. How do you expect to recover when your body is given the extra burden of dealing with a hangover too?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being 18 and virgin. I myself didn't have sex until I was in my twenties, although times were different back then and women had a bit more self-respect and dignity.
One the other hand, women these days enjoy more independence, so perhaps that is what comes with free will
The right … Read more
What type of steamer are you using?
Is there a reason you want to slow cook them?
If so, I don't see … Read more
How can you tar all women with the same brush? There are many strong an amazing women in this world, some of us have achieved amazing things, often with no help at all from men.
So don't feel too sorry for us as we are making an impact and growing in influence.
It won't be long before … Read more
There was a day when this was true but nowadays with the Gay Movement being more open and a lot of guys being sissy girls, I tend to disagree and would actually say the women are taking a more leadership quality in todays society. But as to everything, there is always the exceptions and there … Read more
Yes as Asik has mentioned there are websites. My niece has shown me also some applications that can be downloaded to the ipad tablet that will allow you to watch movies.
They are netflix, hulu, and flixster. There might be more, I'm not sure
There are many couples that end up in this situation. If your wife is withholding sex, there are many things you can do to improve the situation.
First, men and women are very different, and need different things from a relationship. While men can often happily have sex regardless of how they are feeling, women need … Read more