Dove, because i also use this product & it is really good.
The best moisturiser for sensitive skin is something natural, non-scented and hypoallergenic.
Winter Moisturisers
If you've got sensitive skin, the chances are that you'll suffer from the effects of cold weather and wind more than most people.
The Body Shop's Vitamin E Intense Moisture Cream is actually meant for use on your body, but if you … Read more
For a student, it can help their studies enormously. The Internet makes research quick, simple and easy, but more importantly, it makes it enjoyable. Young people love to use computers due to the interactivity it provides. Web pages are much more up-to-date than old text books that were previously used for studying, so not only … Read more
Internet is important in our studies and in education because it helps us in some of our assignments and researches.So we don't need to buy books or go to to library just to search for some of our assignments.But also there are disadvantages if not use properly,.because some web pages or sites have bad pictures … Read more
I think kavita due to internet I can answer your question. So simply as I am also student perceived is that 90% of research material is available at internet so without this we cannot meet the globalization technology and so other things.
I feel if internet is not developed before 25 years back we cannot … Read more
The internet is like a "knowledge economy" - a highway of information that we can all take part in. We can share our knowledge online, but also gain access to unlimited knowledge and info too. Kind of like this site I guess!