Kaphirom ming-khwan
Kaphirom ming-khwan thanked Yo Kass' answer

I don't know if this applies to everyone, but I think the easiest way to stay healthy is also the most boring: Routine.

If you get into the habit of doing some exercise as soon as you wake up in the morning and right before you go to bed, it will become a natural part of … Read more

Kaphirom ming-khwan
Kaphirom ming-khwan thanked Anita Jourdain's answer

Well Im doing that right now when I was a junior in highschool I started working and with having no time to do anything I began to gain weight. I went from 170 to 315 in a year. Last year I went from 315 to 230 and now im getting ready to to try and … Read more

Kaphirom ming-khwan
Kaphirom ming-khwan thanked Yo Kass' answer

I don't know if this applies to everyone, but I think the easiest way to stay healthy is also the most boring: Routine.

If you get into the habit of doing some exercise as soon as you wake up in the morning and right before you go to bed, it will become a natural part of … Read more

Kaphirom ming-khwan
Kaphirom ming-khwan thanked Yo Kass' answer

It sounds to me like this friend wants you to do something your parents don't want you to do...

Becoming independent from your parents is something that will happen over-time naturally, but there's no reason to upset your parents just to please your friends. Because then, you'll just be breaking away from what your  parents … Read more

Kaphirom ming-khwan
Kaphirom ming-khwan thanked angie zhang's answer

honestly her saying this doesn't mean shes not a true friend , Sometimes its really maybe how she doesn't really rely on her parents to make decisions and always just does her own thing so she may sometimes get annoyed that you have to ask your parents for permission for something as small as to … Read more

Kaphirom ming-khwan
Kaphirom ming-khwan thanked Lia Tan's answer

You can't ever really tell if someone is a true friend or not just by them saying what things you should make your own decisions on and what things that you should have your parents help you out with. Those are all advice and suggestions, doesn't mean anything too deep about the friendship except that … Read more

Kaphirom ming-khwan
Kaphirom ming-khwan thanked Yo Kass' answer

College can be an eye-opening experience, especially for someone that hasn't been independent or self-reliant for very long. But, honestly, there is no reason to worry.

Humans have been able to rule this planet not because we're the strongest or most numerous species, but because we have the ability to adapt to changes pretty quickly.

You'll soon … Read more

Kaphirom ming-khwan
Kaphirom ming-khwan thanked angie zhang's answer

well firstly , when we are children we really don't care too much about our surroundings like we don't understand much of what's happening , like what mom is doing or why dad is away every morning its not that when we are children that we don't care about anyone , but we really don't … Read more

Kaphirom ming-khwan
Kaphirom ming-khwan thanked Lia Tan's answer

When people are children, we have this complex where we are egoistical and nobody else really matters in this world. It's completely natural to be like this when we are a young and also completely natural to grow out of it when you get older.

In a psychological experiment, it is shown that children don't get … Read more

Kaphirom ming-khwan
Kaphirom ming-khwan thanked Tatiana Pineiro's answer

I get the most motivation when I start seeing results. For most people, the first few days of a diet (I like to say lifestyle change) is very difficult. BUt once you start seeing those results, losing weight is easy! Your goal is very possible.

How to do it: Eat right (80%) and workout (20%).

Have you … Read more

Kaphirom ming-khwan
Kaphirom ming-khwan thanked Brenda Everett's answer

Hi sweetie,

This sounds like rejection to me. It is obvious he was just making an excuse and wasn't actually tired. He was trying to find a reason not to communicate..


Well guys are mysteries sometimes. So it could be anything from that he got bored of flirting or even maybe he has another girlfriend and felt … Read more