I prefer Fender but only with a maple fret board. I also like Gibson/Epiphone with a rosewood fret board. They are really different sounding and very different feel to each one. If I were playing a cross over country type of music I would opt for the Fender Strat. If I were playing Southern Rock … Read more
Unfortunately, every American citizen will be subjected to more scrutiny from the government. Since 9/11, the TSA has the ability to search even infants at airports. More and more "security cams" are being placed in public to watch EVERYONE on the streets of our towns and cities. The Islamic population should come under more scrutiny … Read more
My one regret is not being the Father I could have been to my only son. His mother and I divorced when he was 7 and I left the state get get my life back on track. I visited him very, very often but not being there with him all of the time took from … Read more
Stem Cells have been found to be the building blocks of human life. Stem Cells contain the DNA information necessary to form other cell forms such as bone marrow, Liver tissue just as a couple of examples. The controversy comes from the use of laboratory human produced embryos to obtain perfect stem Cells that can … Read more
HI. I am a 60 year old man who suffers from a blood cancer called Myleodysplastic Syndrome. It is a blood condition that does not allow healthy , mature blood cells make it from the bone marrow into the blood stream. The cells that cause the condition are called Blast Cells. Everyone has Blast Cells … Read more