This question's answer is dependent on the size of the brick. There are two variables; the length of the brick (L); and the height of the brick (H). Since it is known that L * H = A (area in units squared), the formula (L * H = A) can be easily found if two … Read more
Absence of period, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination, food cravings, breast tenderness/ swelling, lightheaded or dizziness. If you have one or all of these symptoms, you should take a test or see your ob-gyn for bloodwork to be sure.
There are symptoms such as, constant urination, nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, no appetite, increased appetite, or weird cravings. But not everyone has symptoms during pregnancy. Therefore, you should take a home pregnancy test, or go to a doctor
If you had sex nine days before your period is suppose to start and your period doesn't come could you be pregnant
I don't know if I am pregnant I had sex on first day after my period was over
Having pregnancy symptoms like a missed period and taking a pregnancy test.