Can u move vary fast
I'm one
I believe they are mythical creators created by humans imagination. Later on they were adapted into many stories. Vampires are not real. People may think that they are but its been scientificly proven that vampires are not real even if people find weird cases of "vampires" they are not real.
I Don't no if vampires are real or not I think everyone who loved reading vampire novels wishes that there are me being one of them. But I don't think sadly that they are real I want them to be but the logic is just not the there is is genitally wrong.
Yes, They are.I'm considered a "Mortal Vampire" We have a dark ring around the colored part of our eyes.We crave the smell of blood. We don't drink it.But yes, There real.Most people don't believe. Take it from a real one. :)My name is Daniella.I live in a dark, foggy state.Were 50% Mortal 50% vampire.Were good. … Read more