Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered
If you're worried that you're a demigod, then here are a couple of signs to look out for: Signs that prove you're a demigod
  • Demigods tend to have supernatural powers. Often, they will be genetically inherited from their supernatural lineage, so one of your parents might have the same powers too.
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered
Jaguars are considered apex predators - which means they are at the top of their food chain. They regularly feast on a number of animals living in their habitat, but aren't hunted by other species. What do jaguars eat? If you were a jaguar, you might expect to eat any of these animals for dinner: … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered
This is a rather interesting phenomenon with no real explanation. The cartoon character Betty Boop is unusually popular in Puerto Rico, and there are a number of theories as to why this is the case. Why Puerto Ricans like Betty Boop One theory is that Betty Boop closely resembles the average Puerto Rican woman. Her … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered
Music affects students in a number of ways. It can be motivational, inspirational, and provide entertainment - but it can also be detrimental to concentration, and distracting too. The effects of music on students While I was studying, I'd often listen to music to keep myself upbeat and positive. The motivational effects of a pumping … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered
If you're looking for a creative name to give your mall, why not have a look at some of the ideas that other people have come up with, to give you some inspiration? What name to give your mall You could use a place name, as a lot of malls are simply named after their … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered
'Blue films' (also known as 'pornographic films', or simply 'porno') are enjoyed by both men and women. Statistically, more men watch porn than women - but the amount of females who enjoy watching X-rated content is far from negligible, and that number is on the increase! Do girls watch porn? Guys often find it hard … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered Anonymous' question
If you're looking for something with a fast and interesting beat, then you may be interested in certain types of dance music. The following genres are ones to check out:
  • drum'n'bass
  • hard house
  • trance
Fast songs with a beat How 'fast' a track is can be measured in terms of something called BPM (beats per minute). When … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered
Spartans ate cereals, grain, meat, fish and vegetables. The men of Sparta were also known for enjoying a dish called 'black broth'. What food did the Spartans eat? Spartans ate a variety of foods, based on their local agriculture, and Ancient Greek cuisine was generally reliant on produce that could be grown or cultivated locally. … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered
It's thought that Beyonce Knowles left high-school at the age of 14 to concentrate on her music career. Although she received private tutoring during the rest of her teenage years, it is not known whether Beyonce received a high-school GED (General Educational Development) certificate. Beyonce's schooling Although Beyonce is undoubtedly a role-model to many young … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered Anonymous' question
There's no data that I can find to answer this question specifically, but the highest-earning musicians often make slightly more money than the top-performing football stars. Who's richer, footballers or musicians? This all depends on how you measure things. Both musicians and footballers get paid a huge amount, and being at the top of … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered
Selena Gomez has been spotted wearing clothes from stores like Urban Outfitters, Forever 21 and even Target. However, she's also known for sporting glamorous gowns when hitting the red carpet. What clothes does Selena Gomez wear? Just like you and me, Selena Gomez's dress sense will vary depending on what she's got planned for the … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered Anonymous' question
The models you're looking for are:
  • Jerri Byrne
  • Thekla Roth
  • Natasha Mealey
  • Lena Frank
Who are those hot girls from the 'Satisfaction' music video? Actually, it depends which version of the video you're talking about, as the models mentioned above didn't actually feature in the original music video for the song. The original video consisted of an animated … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered JANIE TORREZ's question
There are three reasons why your boyfriend might mistakenly accuse you of cheating, and believe his friends instead of accepting your account of things: 1. You've been acting strangely, and this has raised his suspicions. 2. He's insecure, and he's reading into things too much. 3. He's accusing you because he's got some guilt of … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered Anonymous' question
Although this might sound a bit harsh, your only option is to let her get on with her life and move on with yours. By the sound of things, she's not even worth the effort! How to deal with rejection Rejection hurts. There's no way around it. The best thing to do to recover from … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered
The song you might be looking for is I Love Tits by Dr. Sausage. I can't really say it's a musical masterpiece - but I can see how a certain immature male audience might find it hilarious.  Where can I find the song I Love Tits? Incredibly, you can purchase this track on the otherwise … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered Anonymous' question
If you do an internet search for 'magic love spells', you're likely to be inundated by phony websites that offer all sorts of spells that will never work. If you're interested in a REAL spell that REALLY works, I'd recommend you try out the following enchantment. (I tried it, and I've been married for nearly … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered
There's two things you can do:
  • Either you can try and talk to her, tell her how you feel about her, and see whether she harbors similar feelings for you,
  • Spend time together, enjoy each other's company, and see whether things progress naturally.
How to get a straight girl to fall in love with youRead more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered
Falling in love might be a distraction to your studies, but it's actually very likely to happen - whether you're looking for it or not! Should students fall in love? Most young people experience love during middle-school, high-school or college. Often, these students aren't actively seeking love. School is a unique environment. You are placed … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered Anonymous' question
Using telepathy to make someone love you isn't simple! Telepathy can be used to send 'loving messages' or warm feelings, but whether a person falls in love with you after receiving your amorous transmissions really depends on other factors. How to get someone to love you using telepathy If you're determined to get someone to … Read more
Pippa Corbett
Pippa Corbett answered
Although most felines despise water, tigers are actually rather fond of it. The main theory behind this is that they enjoy taking a bath to cool themselves down. Water loving tigers If you live near a zoo, you might be able to see tigers enjoying a dip in the pool from time to time. The … Read more