For me back in july when the meat crave came along and my dreams were of people i loved dying felt like i was going were to tell the truth then a few months later in oct that crave shifted to a blood crave & i mean a bad crave. When i'm mad i'm stronger … Read more
Who knows? Maybe some of Martian life-forms came to earth. Dinosaurs seem from other worlds to me - they grew to tall sizes. What if they never died out? What if some lived? Will they be smarter then us? I think it is highly likely.
Crocs are smart, they learn and all - but maybe … Read more
Know any apha werewolves in upstate ny. Just want to know where i mite fine one a day ago i heard a wolf like howl and started to feel odd i think i m-shifted i became all hyper wanted to bite stuff and became a bit playful. I all ways lost control when someone pick … Read more
This is good info no wonder i m-shifted today the howl i heard most of been a apha. I was born a werewolf rare on my moms side if i get into a fight i lose control of my self i once nearly crush a teacher with a table when i was 8. Im now … Read more
I think there are many people here, that are telling you crap. But one thing is real, we ARE real. But its not like some people say, that you have to get bitten, to become one of us or that we don't grow old. We are like you, just with the difference that we live … Read more