Engage with the world. Meditate on what you see and how you feel about it.
You will discover the things you are passionate about and the places where you can and want to make a difference.
1. Buy a quality piano, have it delivered and tuned. 2. Hire the best instructor for beginners you can find. 3. PRACTICE AT LEAST 8 HOURS A DAY - - - EVERYDAY!!! 4. As you progress, hire instructors that can keep you improving your talent. 5. When you're good enough, go to Juilliard. 5. Start … Read more
Dreams are a series of imaginary experiences based on images, ideas, emotions and sensations that we are subject to throughout certain points during our sleep cycles. There are many theories as to why we dream, and for centuries many people have tried to attach meaning and interpretations to their experiences. Here … Read more
This is inside each of us so you just have to find something you always wanted to do or want to become and set that as your goal in life and of course you can change it as you go since it is your life but you need something to aim for or you'll go … Read more