Brianna Ward
Brianna Ward answered Grace Chapman's question
Same thing happens to me. Weird. But do you like this guy? Think. Does he like you? This guy might just want someone to mess with. You have to find out. But if you're comfortable with him just wanting to mess with you then I guess it's ok. But I'd prefer you dating him.
Brianna Ward
Brianna Ward voted up Brand-X Brandon's answer
I can't sit here and read these comments any longer without saying something 1) A lot of people in this forum have said TRY to love them!?!?! WHAT!? They are your son or daughter..YOU made them..YOU are the PARENT ACT LIKE them if they wana date or sleep with a fig tree! YOURead more
Brianna Ward
Brianna Ward voted up Spuf Puf's answer
Hah I see all these comments and its kinda funny ..  Most of you say that he  must love her first..well maybe he dose, who sayed he dosent..let me tell you guys what happend to me ,I was in a relationship for about 1 year ..never had sex with her because she was a virgin … Read more
Brianna Ward
Brianna Ward voted up Anonymous' answer
If your concerned, perhaps you should see a doctor. If you can't do that, then know that there are many people who develop much later in their teens and you might be one of them. I know someone like this and he is fine, so don't worry too much
Brianna Ward
Brianna Ward voted up mark spring's answer
You are probably just a late developer. Don't worry. Everything will be fine. If your'e worried see your doctor.