Guys can get upset by thoughtless things that women say, and vice-versa. It's true that some men ignore their gf's in an attempt to get back at them, but in case you haven't realised men aren't as well versed in verbal arguments and can find it damn near impossible to effectively get their point across. … Read more
Ok i never watched black adder im afraid soooooo DONT GET IT :)x
Some do and some don't. Like when you ask which part of a woman a man likes, some say hips, some say lips, some butts, others breasts. Me? I like legs. No reason why, I just do. I'm sure woman you ask would say much of the same.
Some guys like girls with an hourglass figure and some like girls with the model type stick figure. Some like bigger breast, some like bigger buts. It really just depends on the guy.