Unfortunately, most of these answers are a combination of stupid and dangerous. There are valid reasons why a person can obtain a false positive from an EtG test. I'm not going to list all of them here, because there are too many.
However, if you are drinking, the test results from an EtG can come … Read more
First of all, you are absolutely able to pass an EtG, even though diluting will be identified as a form of adulteration.
The best thing to do is to learn the system. If you have a random color like me, and they haven't called your color so far this week, then don't drink.
If they … Read more
The window for an EtG is 36-48 hours for the average person - 80 hours is the outside limit. Drink water and make sure to urinate a lot before you test. Don't drink anything at all at least 2 hours prior to testing. You are trying to keep your bladder full of fresh urine not … Read more
Okay guys, I have the ultimate answer - it's worked for me 6 times and counting. I took the EtG within 24 hours of drinking every single time - and I mean drinking heavily.
Work-out and drink as much water as you can handle. Another thing that will help immensely is to take some sort … Read more
Yes you can pass, but it depends on the cumulative amount of consumption. EtG has a fairly low half-life (two to three hours), and is water-soluble. However the amount in the body is cumulative. EtG levels peak around four hours after maximum BAC and then decline exponentially after that.
So if one beer, or around … Read more
A few drinks are out in 24 hours. The body retains the by-product that it produces, for anywhere up to 72-80 hours. Most tests are the cheap dipstick kind, and you should be negative within 24 hours.
If they are using the expensive EtG test, you can test positive for up to 80 hours, but … Read more
On a dip stick test 24 hours. On an EtG test 3-5 days maximum.
If it is a basic test, alcohol is detectable for up to 24 hours. In an EtG test, which only tests for alcohol, it is detectable for up to 72 hours.
Logically, alcohol is no longer in the system a few hours after drinking. This is because alcohol is metabolized and excreted quickly after drinking. Breakdown of alcohol takes place in the liver and is excreted through the kidneys via the urine. No urine tests can detect alcohol in urine 2-3 hours after drinking.
In urine … Read more