The blunt answer is: Get his hands and put it on your boobs. At 13, you are so young and your shy boyfriend, too. Take time to get to know each other first. Your boyfriend might not be ready for what you want to do. It is not just girls who need to be ready. … Read more
Do your best to keep those lips out of the way, because your tongue is coming through!
Girls:hands around neck, you sorta suck while rubbin your Tongue along
Boys:we put hands on ass, jus Tongue lik hell
Just open & close them. Try to mimic the way he is doing it. It can be for a couple seconds or a couple minutes, even. Sometimes it can be slow, soft, & sensual. And sometimes it's fast and hard. However he is making out with you ; is usually how he wants to be … Read more
There is four different typed of love:
Philia - Love for family and friends
Eros - Love for your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife
Agape - Unconditional love
Storge - Love for animals or things
We all love... But sometimes we don't even realise it :) x
There's always the risk of him forwarding/sending/showing it to someone else, the whole school, or a whole group of people. If it was me, I wouldn't do it, and I know it's hard to think under pressure and you're afraid he'll leave you.
I'd only do what makes me feel comfortable. Love isn't complicated, people … Read more
You need his account holders name and if you call his service provider and say your the account holder (you need the password too) and you can get a printout of the texts.
Or you could stop being a bitch and break up with him if you can't trust him.
Find a new boyfriend that isn't such a lying douche! You are supposed to TRUST a loved one, right? Next time, try to date someone for things like character and integrety, not image and/or status and you might be happy.
Text him starting a normal convo like "whats up?" and then he'll ask you and when he does tell him that "I just got out of the shower and I'm sitting here naked thinking of you"
Tell him the most kinkiest thing you want him to do to you! ;)